Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Waddell to Hartley: You're Fired!

The Atlanta Thrashers have have "dismissed Bob Hartley of his duties" today, that's wussy-speak for he was FIRED (or maybe Donald Trump has a copyright on that...) After starting the year 0-6, Thrashers management finally decided that enough was enough. General Manager Don Waddell will take the reigns on an interim basis. In my opinion, not like it matters, they were a little quick on the trigger with this decision. The Thrashers have a lot of assets, and could turn it around with just a few tactical adjustments. A name already being thrown in as a possible replacement, is Pat Burns. It would be nice to see him behind the bench again after defeating that scary bout of cancer, but I don't think he's the right fit for the Thrashers.


Avsfan19 said...

Here's hoping they bring Hartley back to Denver to assist Coach Q.

Greg Balloch said...

Yeah, maybe he can bring his goon squad with him...

Avsfan19 said...

We could use a goon squad. :P